

Welcome to the Volvo Trucks Academy Course Catalog. Click on any functional area to explore complete course listings and session descriptions.

Functional Areas

The Volvo Trucks Academy Development Guide provides direction to learning and development content across five core functional areas: Parts, Sales, Service, Technical, and Warranty. Find courses aligned with your role at a Volvo dealership by clicking on the links below.

Technical501404: Volvo Engine Diagnostics

Volvo Engine Diagnostics

The Volvo Engine Diagnostics course provides dealer service technicians with practical, hands-on activities analyzing and diagnosing engine-related problems within the context of probable diagnostic scenarios.

Application of the diagnostic process is reinforced throughout the course. Workshop activities focus on diagnosing engine-related problems based on probable scenarios.

Training type: In-person

Cost: See Navigator

Training days: 2

Test-out: Yes*

Your ability to view this course in Navigator may be determined by prerequisite completion or curriculum availability. Visit Navigator for more information.

*Two test-out attempts are permitted. Learners who earn a passing score will be charged an exam and certification fee. Learners who do not earn a passing score must register for the course. An exam fee will not be charged.

*Two test-out attempts are permitted. Learners who earn a passing score will be charged an exam and certification fee. Learners who do not earn a passing score must register for the course. An exam fee will not be charged.

Courses may be changed, cancelled, or added based on demand. Always refer to Navigator for the most current session availability.


Reach out to the Volvo Trucks Academy team at to learn more about scheduling training. You can also check out the Development Plans to find specific certification level requirements.